Winter Care Tips for Your AC Compressor to Protect Your Investment
The compressor in your air conditioner circulates and pressurizes the refrigerant and raises the temperature and pressure of refrigerant gas. It plays a key role in your unit’s cooling process. Let’s explore how you can protect your AC compressor during the winter. Lubricate Moving Parts Lubricating the moving parts in your air conditioner’s motor prevents the air compressor from rusting or corroding. It also betters the chance of this key component surviving snow, ice and other winter weather. Inspect the Electrical Components Inspect all of the electrical components for wear and tear and have an HVAC technician repair or replace them as needed before winter. Clean the Outdoor Unit Remove debris like leaves, dirt and grass clippings on and around the outdoor unit as part of your air compressor winterizing. Check for Damage As you clean the outdoor unit, look for signs of wear and tear or other damage like holes or water leaks. Have an HVAC technician make any needed AC repairs before cold weather arrives. Cover the Outdoor Unit Use a breathable material like woven polyester or PVC to cover the outdoor unit and help protect the air compressor for the season. Insulate the Pipes Insulating the exposed...
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