Tips for Getting Your AC to Run Proficiently

Funding your summertime air conditioning shouldn’t have to cost you your entire paycheck. When your air conditioning system is running proficiently, you’re getting the best bang for your buck. We’re going to share with you some of our best tips for ensuring that your air conditioning system is running as proficiently as possible throughout the entire summer season. It Starts With Efficient Settings You can have your air conditioning system set up perfectly so that you’re getting the most bang for your buck for every dollar spent. However, if you don’t have efficient settings on your thermostat, you’re still going to be dealing with high power bills. You should have a programmable thermostat that is set based on your normal weekly schedule. At times when you’re at home, your thermostat should be set around 78 degrees. When you’re away from home, your thermostat should be set 10 degrees higher. This will help to ensure that your air conditioning system isn’t constantly running when you’re not at home. That’s just a waste of energy and your hard-earned money. Frequently Check Your Air Filter Your air conditioning system has an air filter that is responsible for enhancing the quality of your indoor...

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